So I got my spacers and brackets put on at the orthodontist next week they're putting in the wires and finishing all that. They put cement on 2 bottom molars so my brackets wont break and come intact. I cannot eat and I'm in pain. Will they remove this cement when I go get my wire put in? The cement doesnt let me eat and its not even. Should I tell my ortho, that its completely uncomfortable and painful? Please I need answers! Lol.
Braces Cement On Back Molars
the cement on the molars acts as a bite block so that your teeth dont touch eachother.this will help to put the brackets and faster movement of teeth will take place as the upper and lower teeth dont touch each other. once the initial alignment of teeth is done in 8-10 weeks,the cement will be removed. till then take soft diet like soup,noodles,pasta,milk,juices etc. pain will go away in 3-4 days time.
Chill! The first few days hurt like crazy. But after that your teeth get used to that. Sometimes the cement wears off as you eat.