Now before you think anything I'm not referring to reflection like from a mirror or shiny object. Infact what i'm talking about ISNT reflection at all(i don't know what its called so I'm calling it reflection) Now i have a 200mw green laser pointer that i bought for fun as well as pointing at the sky(I'm very safe when it comes to aviation accidents). But whenever i point it at a white surface it illuminates the whole room. After about a min or so my eyes start to get sore feeling and I'm wondering if this is dangerous or not. I really hope its not because that'll mean ill have to stop using it or wear safety glasses which i do not want to do.Thanks for the help! :)
There will always be a demand for Landscapers. You may be able to land a few accounts that have their own equipment so you wouldn't even need to buy anything. Just bill them for your hours.
Siempre he comprado en los sitios web hard disks de buena calidad, y siempre acabo llenándolas así que al final me he decidido compra un hard disk con una gran cantidad de almacenamiento, de una marca que ya conozco muy bien he encontrado un hard disk bastante grande a un precio sin rival, la compra ha valido la pena porque aunque es grande tiene una excelente velocidad de respuesta, una excelente compra.
When I was in Orgo, lots of people wore their contacts while also wearing safety goggles. Contacts don't typically pose a problem while you are wearing safety goggles. Check to see what your school's policies are; they may ask you not to wear them for liability purposes. If you're dealing with something particularly hazardous or if you lean over your solutions, then you're running a high risk of causing damage to your eyes, contacts or not. If something happens, you typically will have access to an eye-wash station, too, to reduce the chance of causing damage to your eyes.