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All Aluminum Foils Question

Can someone educate me about rooftop exhausts for dryers, and what I need to do to replace the exhaust tubing?
1 answer
Can I use aluminum foil to make a cake pan?
1 answer
Paper or Plastic ?
5 answer
How to fix holes in aluminum boatsPlease leave links in answer for extra details?
4 answer
Periodic table related questions?
5 answer
how to make chocolate fudge?
0 answer
how to you make peanut butter balls?
1 answer
A sheet of aluminum foil measures 29.5 cm by 73.0 cm and has a mass of 9.94 grams.?
5 answer
Can foil paper be baked by fire?
3 answer
What type of cookware is safest?
8 answer
how do you make the bread bowls?
4 answer
what are Aseptic processed packages made from?
3 answer
can a 375fps co2 airsoft gun dent mesa RV aluminum metal? plastic bbswat would the range have to be to dent?
1 answer
Wholesale Paint Cans (Empty)?
3 answer
when having new stainless steel cookware like fry pans is there a seasoning method i should do before using?
0 answer
Do you have a recipe for asparagus with olives?
3 answer
what happens when copper 2 choride dihydratemixes with aluminum foil?
0 answer
Can you freeze turkey stuffing?
1 answer
with the ribbs facing up cover with a low tented aluminum foil?
3 answer
How do I keep outside cat from deficating behind the washer???
4 answer
A question about kitchen items?
5 answer
Are aluminum baking sheets ok to be put in dishwasher? All mine have faded after several diswashing cycles!?
5 answer
chemistry HELP! oxidation and reduction?
0 answer
Chemistry: finding the molecular formula of a compound?
3 answer
can aluminium surfaces be painted without removing the old paint from its surface?
1 answer
would painting aluminum siding help sale of home?
1 answer
which of the following elements has the strongest attration for electrons?
2 answer
What should I have for Dinner?
1 answer
cinnamon cake rolls recipe?
1 answer
How do I keep my aluminum chainmail from oxidizing?
3 answer