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All Inductors Question

An LC circuit consists of a capacitor, C 1.72 μF, and an inductor, L 5.32 mH. The capacitor is fully charg?
2 answer
Can I make ferrite beads from normal ferrite inductors?
1 answer
why inductor prevents abrupt change of current?
2 answer
Please help me answer true or false to the following electronic circuit questions. I'm a bit unsure.?
2 answer
in which circuit will a lamp connected in series with and inductor glow brightest ?
2 answer
If an inductor carries 100mA DC of current when connected across a 30V DC source, then what is its resistance?
1 answer
What is the maximum magnitude current across inductor in LC Circuit?
2 answer
Two Inductors in Parallel?
1 answer
A circuit containing a 39-H inductor has an alternating current supplied to it. If is and is find the fr?
1 answer
Why is it that v use capacitors in Differentiator & Integrator circuits (comprising Op Amps) & not inductors?
3 answer
An inductor is plugged into a 120 /60 wall outlet in the U.S. Would the peak current be larger, smaller, or u?
2 answer
why inductor behave as a short circuit to dc voltage?
4 answer
inductor in rlc circuit?
2 answer
A 12.6 V battery is in series with a 30.0 mH inductor and 0.150 ohm resistor connected through a switch. When?
1 answer
Inductors and Scope Waveform?
3 answer
A battery is connected in series with a 3.0 ohm resistor and a 12 mH inductor?
2 answer
A 10.2 inductor with negligible resistance and a resistor are the only elements in a circuit in which a curren?
1 answer
Can I overlap inductor coils?
2 answer
A question on capacitor and inductor.?
1 answer
is an air-coil inductor the same as an inductor that comes in a black box?
2 answer
What is an ideal inductor for a specific capacitor on xenon circuit?
1 answer
What type of inductor should i use to pickup a signal from a passing magnet?
4 answer
Inductor current calculation?
1 answer
circuit analysis (inductors)?
1 answer
How many turns for an inductor?
1 answer
the current through an inductor?
5 answer
Capacitor and Inductor in parallel?
1 answer
A current in a 100uH inductor is known to be i(L) 20te^-5t for t>0. Can you show me how you got the answer?
1 answer
A series circuit contains a resistor with R 24 , an inductor with L 2 H, a capacitor with C 0.005 F, and
2 answer
When you have an inductor in parallel in a circuit, does it act as a short circuit?
2 answer