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All Inductors Question

A 45-mH ideal inductor is connected in series with a 60 ohm resistor through an ideal 15- V-DC power supply an?
1 answer
hat is meant by inductor has less resistance but high self inductance?is every coil like rehostate is inductor?
1 answer
How many turns does the inductor have?
2 answer
Resistor-Inductor Question?
2 answer
Real Inductor. Find the internal resistor and inductance?
1 answer
A resistor and inductor connected to an AC power source?
1 answer
Physics : charge a coil inductor(which quantity will not be doubled)?
1 answer
An LC circuit of a 4-mH inductor and a 200μF capacitor.?
2 answer
an unknown inductor is wired to a source voltage alternating with a frquency of 120 hz.?
1 answer
questions about inductors?
1 answer
Does voltage have any affect on the E.M. field that it produces when it puts a current through an inductor?
1 answer
magnetic field in inductor it's reactance equal to capacitor?
2 answer
mH inductor. please help!?
1 answer
Inductors in ac Circuits, help please?
2 answer
A question regarding inductor?
0 answer
An inductor has an impedance of 30.0 Ω and a resistance of 20.0 Ω at a frequency of 80.0 Hz. What is the induc?
1 answer
Current through inductor?
3 answer
Lamp & inductor ?
1 answer
I need help with this inductor problem?
2 answer
Resistor, capacitors, inductors physics question?
1 answer
What is concept behind Inductor? How does turns increase magnetic flux and then to end in Lenz law or whatever?
3 answer
Physics II, AC current, inductors, resistance. Can you explain?
1 answer
What is starting AC current on an inductor?
2 answer
etermine the energy stored in the inductor?
1 answer
What iron alloy make the ideal core for variable inductors_and if there is a protector diode that operates in?
1 answer
An RLC circuit contains a 4.100e-6 F capacitor in series with an inductor. What should the value of the induct?
1 answer
Engineers ?
2 answer
Inductor in an outlet?
1 answer
Using resistors instead of inductors in an audio amp crossover circuit?
4 answer
why inductor blocks a.c?
2 answer