Hot Question
- How can the electric kettle be repaired without heating?
- Why is the electric kettle always burnt out?
- Which brand is good for a hot kettle?
- When the electric kettle is not available, can the base be electrified all the time?
- Could you use the salt to clean the electric kettle?
- Where does the standard of the power cord length of electric kettle be measured?
- Why doesn't an electric kettle touch an electric shock when you work?
- When the kettle boils, the light goes out for a while, it's dark at night, and at the end the water boils, but time gets longer
- The same power of electric kettle, air conditioning, microwave oven start instantaneous power difference?
- Electric kettle boil water, hot forgot to take after, and so on after the water cool and automatic heating, what is the matter?