What type of e-brake does a 1996 tahoe have, its a 2 door, 2 wheel drive. I think it may need serviced, how can I do a check if it needs servicing? anything to save a few bucks!
your emergency brakes are the same shoes as your rear brakes.if you have someone inspect AND ADJUST your rear brakes,it will make your e-brakes seem tighteryou may need new shoes if you have over 100k on them.
The parking brake is actuated by a cable attached to the pedal. The rear brakes are automatic adjusting (the adjust every time you apply the brakes while backing up). Usually, the parking brake needs to be adjusted at the cable, because it stretches over time. Simple and cheap to do.
If you can push the park brake more than 3/4 way to the floor it needs adjusted.If you go to your local chevy dealer this will cost about a half hour labor.They will adjust the rear brakes and park brake cable.This will be money well spent.Best of luck with your tahoe.