The guys at auto zone said it was the gas cap. If this is true what needs to be done to make it go off?
Try removing it then placing it back into place firmly and see then if the light goes out after a bit of driving but it should go out right away if it was just a matter of the cap being slightly loose etc.Otherwise the cap's seal is gone and you need to replace the gas gap and if so you minus well by a locking gas gap bec they don't cost much maybe 10 to 20 bucks. Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way a loose gas cap causes pressure changes etc and that's why the engine light code error.
I had to replace the gas cap on my 99 then the light went off, something about so Much pressure in the tank.
If they checked the light, they should have cleared the code as well (most, if not all, code readers can also clear them). Also, be aware that if you have a locking gas cap, they're notorious for setting off the code, some of the auto manufacturers have even stopped selling them as an accessory due to the problems they have with them. If the light stays off, then there's no other problems, just make sure you always tighten the gas cap properly (tighten it until it clicks at least three times). If the code comes back, then it could need a new gas cap, or it could also be an evaporative leak in the fuel vapor system. If that happens, try a new cap first as it's the most common problem, just be sure it's the correct cap for the vehicle as the wrong cap can also cause problems. Go to the dealership parts department with your VIN number (or take the vehicle with you) and you'll be sure to get the correct one.