Home > categories > Automotive & Motorcycle > Auto Lighting System > 2005 diesel , auto, 4x4 Had transmission rebuilt 3 month ago. Truck runs great for 50 miles. Wont shift ?

2005 diesel , auto, 4x4 Had transmission rebuilt 3 month ago. Truck runs great for 50 miles. Wont shift ?

2005 diesel , auto, 4x4 Had transmission rebuilt 3 month ago. Truck runs great for 50 miles. Wont shift ?


check engine light on? then a code in the system that will help out. what make are we talking about ford,chevy,dodge that will help us also to answer your question but if a warranty then take it back
If the car has antilock brakes you need adapters to bypass the antilock feature in order to bleed the brakes.
hello. i think you meant brake fluid (i hope), but how do you know your master cylinder is working ok? if you are sure about this, try bleeding the ABS pump as well (if equiped), and then to the master cylinder. you may have a problem there. theres really no other reason why it wouldnt work, if you are saying the other side tire is working ok. good luck
it should have a warantee, take it back!
what is this with oil//if you dont know the difference you should not be making your mechanical debut with brake jobs/let me know what you are doing step by step and the materials

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