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99 Taurus 3.0L OHV kickdown cable question?

I was recently driving my taurus and noted that the kickdown wasn't working properly, upon inspection I noticed that I have the two cables hooked to the throttle body. One that goes to the pedal and the other (kickdown) goes to some kind of control box under the master brake cylinder. I notice it has a very large connector with several wires in it, WHAT IS THIS BOX!!! I can't find any info on.


The second cable and the box is the cruise control. Your transmission is computer controlled. If the transmission is not shifting correctly its a internal transmission problem which would usually set a code and check engine light or its something else in the system giving the computer bad info so the computer is not shifting it correctly. Could be something like a temp sensor not giving an accurate reading.
Shift sensor, is what I believe it is I worked on My Moms Taurus and seems like it had the same box, Can You not take it and have it scanned? Probably tell You what the fix is
Cruise control
There is no kickdown cable as your transmission is electronically controlled.
How about the transmission computer.

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