AMD recently relased the bulldozer series ... for the moment the intel i series still beats the processors... could it bee that in the future whit a path the amd can be better?I use it for gaming...or should i stay at intel?
Bulldozer will never beat the 3rd or 2nd gen intels. It forces cores to share cache and take turns allocating threads. It's just inefficient. A step backwards from Phenom II. Right now the 3rd gen Intels are the best CPUs out there. For gaming, i5 3570k is best.
When you are reading things do not just take word of mouth of people who say it sucks, cause really it does not. Yes its good for gaming, does not boast as high of frame rates, but does not have lower fps which is more important than high fps. For gaming they perform almost the same as the 2500k if not better in some places such as dirt 3 where all cores are utilized. They also overclock really well, I have seen 8150s get 8.2s in cinebench when overclocked to 5ghz. Then we get into the thing that does not show on the benchmarks, multitasking. I render lots of videos and such on my computer, my old 2500k rig (now lan rig) could only do either gaming or video rendering at any given time. My new 8150 rig on the other hand can be doing video rendering and I can still game. Should you get a 8150? well it depends on what you do, if you do other stuff besides gaming like video rendering, photoshop, have lots of tabs open in your web browser, then yes this is a great CPU. If all you want is a computer that can run games then the 2500k. But don't take my word for it, go out and find someone who actually has a rig and see what it can do for your self.
Well the FX series wan't all it was hyped up to be, parts of the architecture was sketchy in places and the usage of virtual cores and other techniques were not as good as we had hoped. The new Trinity processors which will be out later this year or later next year are said to be able to beat some i7's but coming from AMD from what they said about the FX processors, but I hope that AMD make a come back. Anyway I would stay at intel for the minute because they do come out on top. But I am looking forward to the new Trinity chips.