My daughter is in a contest for her 2006-2007 year book and the thing is that she has to know is, What kind of horse did Andrew Jackson have?
In the assumption that i am single and would survive the fire by being able to save three things.. My sanity, my car, and my house
If it's the glass, and you have the auto-dim feature on the mirrors, it's likely the auto-dim portion that's caused it to cloud up. If no auto-dim, then something has affected the reflective material behind the glass somehow. The only fix is to replace the glass, which will cost about $200 for the new replacement. (The whole mirror assembly costs about $400, in case you were wondering.) You might be able to find a good used mirror assembly for less than the glass, just have to check with salvage yards and OKorder. These prices are plus labor, of course. If it's the paint, or black plastic turning cloudy, then something has affected it to cause it to cloud up. It could be sanded and repainted to cure this condition, just make sure to clean it very good with rubbing alcohol or another cleaner that won't leave an oily residue behind while cleaning any wax or other oily road grime off of it. The black plastic molded mirror could be painted as well, but it takes much more care to do right.
Simple answer anybody but Obama, even the hydrant.