I have a 91 s10 that is supposed to have abs, but I found out the hard way that it doesn‘t work. What component in the abs system on this truck is most likely to fail, or are they all subject to it at some point? My truck only has the little abs unit the brake lines run through, and the abs computer. there are no wheel sensors or any other components I‘m aware of.
I would check the big fuses under your hood first. There is one for ABS. My 95 Ford Ranger 3.0L wasn't braking like it should but I bought a new fuse and it did fine.
Your brakes will still work without the ABS. Do you have any warning lights lit on your dash? If so, have the codes checked. It could just be a speed sensor.
I would think that if you do have ABS brakes at all. There would have to be some sort of ABS sensors on the wheels. And some vehicles especially pick up trucks only had front ABS brakes. So you should look again at the front hubs. There should be be a wire going to a sensor at each hub assembly. There can be many reasons why ABS systems fail. And they can be hard to find and expensive to fix. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as the brakes are still working good, save your money. Good luck