I've tried spot remover, and have had some luck with rubbing alcohol, but a small spot still remains. The jeans have not yet been laundered and the stain is fresh. Any suggestions?
I didn't get my first handheld calculator until I was out of college (age 23), my first cell phone at 40 (it weighed about 10 pounds) and my first desktop PC at 49.
The actress that played Crusher took a year off to have a baby. She returned in season 3 and Pulaski was gone.
It is possible to use IR LED s to create some illumination, but does the built in illuminator have a way to turn it off? Another drawback to this plan is that the LED in the IR spectrum will only carry 20 feet at most, even in multiples. Also, most IR flashlights are designed to use up close to detect IR / UV reflective materials, not for distant illumination for night vision. Try it outside, without the illuminator active if possible, you may be surprised at what you can see. You may also be surprised how little the red eyed monstrosity shows outdoors at night, too. Worse comes to worst, you have a couple of choices. Buy a better ( read that expensive! ) separate IR illuminator or sell what you have in favor of a passive infrared system. Passive meaning that it uses available IR and light to create a visual of objects at low illumination values.