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Bad Dreams with Rose Quartz under my pillow?

I bought a beautiful Rose Quartz Necklace that I put under my pillow or on my bedstand at night to help with my dreams, but Ever since I got it, every night I've gotten the weirdest dreams I've had in my LIFE, and they have nothing to do with my life other than the fact that they have certain people from my life in them. Is the Rose Quartz that I have special in some way? Do certain feelings or energy make it so it does this to my dreams?


Just okorder
quarts is supposed to connect with the pirit world but turquoise is a healing stone
These are the uses of quartz, nothing else: - special lenses and prisms and quartz-glass tubes for unlamps - laboratory tubes and crucibles - glass that is useful for making precise laboratory experiments - ordinary types of glass - construction work and foundry molds - as a filter for some liquids - sandpapers, whetstones, and scouring powders and in sandblasting - radio, television, and radar - digital watches
Quartz okorder

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