
Batman vs Iron Man?

Who would win and why?I say Iron Man!


If Batman uses his cryptographic sequencer to deactivate the systems to Iron Man’s armor, he could beat him down. So Batman!
Iron man has better gadgets than Batman. Iron Man got plenty of Full Body armors to go around.
Iron Man, easily. Assuming we are using the current versions of each character with their standard equipment, Batman has his Rebirth suit and Iron Man has his armor that can replicate and transform into any previous armor. Not many of Batman's weapons could affect Iron Man-- EMPs don't work on Tony, his 127 martial arts mastery won't do much against the durable armor, and Tony is just as, if not smarter than Batman. His stealth abilities won't be a great help with Iron Man's infrared and thermal imaging. Even if Batman had prep and brought one of his suits, he probably wouldn't win seeing as the Justice Buster was destroyed and the HellBat rapidly drains Batman's life force, not to mention Iron Man has armours more impressive than Batman's. If Iron Man was mad he could launch some missiles at Batman and probably kill him, although thats easier said than done, especially when you're talking about Batman.

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