I found this chair sitting in our garage for about a year now and I want to put it in my bedroom. The problem is that its kinda dirty.. Its like a cream color but it has dark marks on the arms its from my uncles tools. It's not a leather or recliner chair its just a regular sitting chair. I just want to get the dark black marks out of it so I can make it look nice in my bedroom. plus it smells a little.. The tips would greatly be appreciated.. THANK YOU!!
Use Fabreeze and put a pretty throw over it.
I buy a cleaner at Walmart, Dollar General or Dollar Tree that should work on your chair. It is called LA's Totally AWESOME. It comes in gallon jug, 1/2 gallon or a spray bottle. It's a yellow color liquid. It is very cheap and can be used to clean many things. Use it straight, do not mix with water. I have used it for years on many things and LOVE IT~!!! .....please do not use bleach on the chair.