First off I just noticed that one of the rubber bands on my brackets isn't where it should be, is there anything i can do to fix it or should i leave it alone. Second I'm new to the braces thing and only have my top ones on but, i don't have the silver things on my molars yet. When i do get them on will they have to take out the wire and take the bands off the brackets? And finally how often do you get to change the band colors on the brackets?
hey hun i had braces for two years and trust me its not that bad. for the colored band around the bracket, id leave it, its not really important, but if its bothering you, then see your orthodontist and have them put it back in place. second, when they put on the bands for ur molars, they only take out the wire, not everything. about the color changing, u get to change them everytime u have a tightening (which believe me, isnt that bad) u can also ask them if u can get a pattern of colors. my ortho only let me have up to two colors, but maybe urs will let u have more. which is always fun come holidays, halloween, valentines day, or if your an obsessive fan of someone u can have a pattern of their fave colors. hope i helped(: