Upper sleeve, which is the same as our usual clothes. Assuming the total number of pins is 200, the block 90, the former block of 110. First said after the block, in the 90 sides of the two sides of the needle, directly down the fabric is. The front will be more complicated, to the side of the weaving. After the block is woven, the right shoulder from the right side of the shoulder to pick the number of needles, the left side of the needle and the collar of the 110 needle in the right side of the needle and a needle. Back weaving. Continue。 Weave back and forth, each time a needle, a total of ten stitches. Why is the ten needle? Because the first block after block than 20, while 10.} is then brought 90 Refabricating positive no longer stitches, but on the two general fabric needle in the past, leaving 28 of 90 hypotheses {neck - 26=64.64 / 2=32.}, so 16 times, a total of 32 from the collar knitting needle. So is the left shoulder. The fabric is good, and the neck, shoulder together before weaving block.
1 shoulder sleeve. Look at the number of needle sleeves and are connected to the part of your fabric styles, assuming that each is a 4 pin. With the total number of minus 4 x 4=16, the remaining number of points in the needle of the 3, before and after each of the 1 copies, the rest of the share is divided into two shoulders. First weave the shoulders and back. Each of the 1 back and forth on each side of the film to pick up the 1 needles. Weave around 1 inches. This part is the same as the way upstairs. But we must remember is that when the fabric weave back and forth, when a positive part in the connection on both sleeves and identified to add a.
It depends on what type of clothes you weave.