My husband and I are looking into upgrading to a front loader washer and dryer that we want to stack because there isn't much room in the bathroom for them. Which brand works the best in your opinion for the price? I need to have a large (3.5-4cu ft) washer to fit a king size comforter.
Try not to get a front loader washer. There's been problems with mildew in them. Sears's been around a long time. We've been pleased with their washers dryers and any follow up service is just a phone call away.
Regular detergent for top-loading machines contains more sudsing agents and is less concentrated than high-efficiency (HE) detergent for modern front loaders. You can use HE detergent in a top-loader but you can't do the opposite, since all the suds will cause a modern front-loading machine to shut down. Why do they use extra sudsing agents in top-loading detergent? Psychology. Consumers stubbornly cling to urban legends and old wives' tales that say that the more suds, the better the detergent. This is not true: the amount of suds has nothing to do with how well the detergent works.