I arrived home in the rain one night this Winter and left the wipers on when I turned off the car. The next day the windshield was frozen over with ice and snow and when I turned on the car, the wipers attempted to run. Frozen in place by the ice, I heard a small pop (as if someone were popping a plastic washer) and since then the wipers don‘t run. I see the motor running and the nut turning, and the wipers sort of pulse up and down a bit, but don‘t turn with the motor mechanism. It‘s as if some sort of retaining washer or something is no longer bringing the two tightly together. My dealership said it would be $150 diagnosis fee before they even started talking parts and labor for the repair.does that sound reasonable? I figured I‘d start here and learn and then go from there. Thanks!
depends on heat, sunlight exposure, age, use, etc. Personally? I would spend the bucks for new tires as part of my regular maintenance. You have only two contact patches with the ground. the formula is simple. Is the cost of new tires less than your Insurance Medical deductible and incapacitated time from broken bones? for me? it always adds up, new tires cheap.
The average tire use is 5000k for the rear tire and 10k for the front. If the tire is showing signs of dry rot it needs to be replaced.
Common wisdom from the conservative set says 2 years or less. Car tires are supposed to be replaced every 4 years. As you wear a tire down, the solvents are cooked out (the tire gets warm from use), making it harder. One reason a worn tire is slipperier than a new tire (once the molding agent has been worn off)
A $150.00 dollars is a complete rip off to begin with Start by checking to see if the wiper linkage is still connected and also check to make sure that the bushings are still in placeit mat take you a little time but you can figure it out and you might be able to fix this yourself. If all is still connected then its possible that the wiper motor is dead.