It affects my day to day life, especially in the summer, having to cope with crane flies, wasps and moths getting into my house, so I usually just pretty much keep myself in my room, door closed, windows closed to prevent any from getting into my room. If I happen to be near any of these insects I tend to have a panic attack and can't handle it. I have no reason for my fear, I am just afraid of them for no reason. If my room is too hot, I'll just sit in the dark with the window slightly open, in fear of them coming into my room. It's getting silly now and a lot of my friends will tease me about it. Really it's weird, I'm afraid of these insects, however I don't mind spiders (though I will not touch them), or any other insects for that matter. Can anyone help me to overcome my fears?
There is a reason you fear these, you allow it. Moths and crane flies are totally harmlees, and really nothing more than a nuisance. Over time you develop a fear of them touching you, and eventually even being near them. Because you dwell on this instead of completely ignoring them, you literally brainwash yourself into fearing them. You need to change the way you think about these critters, preferably, not thinking about them at all. At times when they are a nuisance, just deal with them. I had a moth last night fluttering around my lamp, and it finally landed on the curtain. I grabbed it and tossed it out the door. no more moth. I like to sit on my porch at sunset, sometimes I'll watch a little barn spider come out from behind the lamp and spin her web. Often a pesty crane fly will want to buzz in my face,and I just shoo it away. If it gets persistent, I grab them and toss them into the spider web.No more crane fly. (I get those pretty little green lacewing flies too) It is really a matter of learning how to just ignore them, and deal with them when they are a pest. Sounds like you pretty much ignore spiders, try the same with the moths and crane flies.
Think butterflies and hang a bag of water over your door also keep a bottle of bug spray handy
Try some pleasant music to listen to and distract your mind ? Good Luck. Best Wishes. Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours.. Source(s): Studies.
go buy the bee protector suit :) btw post this on 9gag XD