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Can boiler water drink?

Can boiler water drink?


If there are other water can drink, it is best not to drink the boiler from the water.
2. added to the furnace water in the final decomposition of water and carbon dioxide. Phosphate finally become Han, I forgot
1. water or water. After softening desalination, after oxygen, it becomes pure water. If you add some ozone inside, it becomes a pure water to drink.However, drinking pure water is not deoxidation this process
To the boiler in the dosing, such as phosphate, ammonia, power plant people know. Turbine side of the condensate is quite clean, no times with pure water, I drank, and put a long time pure water a taste.
I was a power plant. I never drink the water in the boiler. Reason: the water temperature is too high, two hundred and eighty degrees, this water is released half of the vaporization, the water process is more dangerous.

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