I had a doctor's note and still got fired from my job.Their Reason: I said x reason for being at the hospital, and the doctor's excuse had a different reason.Is this even legal? Is it worth filing a law suit for this?
Depends who was the previous owner of the house. Now if it was a man called Ed Gien,(check google ) I wouldn't as you may find some pieces of old furniture that you dont get in ya home depot.
yeah website builder, need people to answer phones.
Sure no problemwhat kind of car do you have again? year make and model would be a starting point for anyone to answer such a question.
Make sure that you put on a respirator mask and safety goggles before going up there. There is an insulation that was used frequently in attics and is loose. If you step in it and it is disturbed the asbestos that is in it will come up into the air. Many people have died because of this type of insulation. Also, don't step on the beams, bring up a board to step on laying it across the beams.
step on the beams or you'll step through the celing. i think youll be alright.