Can I use my road bicycle with disc wheels?
The wheel you show isn't really a disc wheel. It wouldn't pose much of a problem as a rear wheel, but rims that deep are really tricky on the front in any kind of a crosswind. Carbon wheels are only really useful as race wheels, not much good for general riding and training. Disc wheels are only used on the rear, and then almost exclusively for time trials, A disc front wheel would be extremely dangerous on the road
those aren;t disks really wind will be an issue but not as much as real disks What is that frame good for? Can I just swap my wheels to this one? --what frame? anyway if you are just puttering about the streets there is no need for $$$$$$ wheels wle
That isn't a disk wheel, and yes you can use it. Because it is a deep dish wheel, it is more aerodynamic, but also more susceptible to cross winds, and the heavier rim means slower acceleration and climbing. In general, those wheels would be better on a triathlon or time trial bike,