I fell from a latter at work. the doctor gave me permanent disability. Bu i'm still working. Know my boss think that i'm doing a law suit against him because i receive some money from the workers com. His thinking of fire me. He said that is not fair that his paying me and that i'm geting money from the workers com. The doctor put me in permanent disability. That is why they given me the money. That my understanding of the letter. His just accusing me that i dride the doctor, hat everything is a fake. that his insurance going up because of. his going to hance the companys name so that i won't get anything. Can he do that.
Well, if you teacher is very specific, then yes. I would just include, for example, 10 beakersjust to be safe. Some teachers want to be precise.
This Site Might Help You. RE: How do you solder copper plumbing fittings if water is in the pipe? I was doing some plumbing work this weekend, soldering copper pipe and fittings, and all the dry ones went well. But I had problems every time I had to solder a fitting onto a pipe that had water in it. It would just boil the water inside and never get hot enough to make a good solder connection.