My brakes seems to be a little loose, and im just wndering if this is what‘s causing my check engine light to turn on help
Nope. There is s separate Brake light for brake problems. Check engine light is engine/transmission/exhaust/air intake/cooling system related.
No. When you turn the ignition switch on, before you start cranking the engine, There is a separate light for the brake system. There are several things that can turn the check engine light. You may need to hook up to a code reader. That service is provided free at several auto parts stores. In the meantime, easy checks that you can perform are: Check oil level, check coolant level. good luck!
NO body here knows what loose brakes means. The check engine light has something to do with the emissions of the car. could be tune up or something else like a vacume leak. Since you did not tell us your state secret on the year make or mileage of your car there is little we can guess about either.