ive only got rice milk in the fridge, and im not too excited about rice milk since i brought oat milk the other day, i love oat milk, my hubby drank it all and i hear u can make oat milk out of oats,,, but can u make it out of rolled oats? and if so, how,,, thanks xxxxxxxxxxx
From a Vet's point of view they would say that chocolate is not good for dogs, it may make them fatter and causing their lifespan shorterFrom my point of view: Do NOT wait to see if your pet will be okayAfter two hours of eating the chocolate all of it has passed out of the stomach into the intestines for complete absorption into the bodyCall your veterinarian for recommendationsMost will recommend you bring the pet in so vomiting can be made to happen and supportive care can be given as well as monitoring of the pet for signs of toxicity and symptomatic treatment if neededBut i think if your dog has only ate a little bit he will be fine, be careful next time! Hope this helps!
Were these chocolates covered in plastic or foil? If so then i think a trip to the vet is neededAlso what kind of chocolate? if it was dark chocolate again a trip to the vet is needed Dark chocolates and things like foil and plastic are things you need to worry about.if its was milk chocolate and no foil or plastic was ate then your dog may or may not vomit and diarrhea and then will be fine laterAlso it depends on teh amount ate, if she ate alot, at her size I'd be taking her in Add: in most places there are emergency vets, or places you can call.
Feed the dog a spoonful of hydrogen peroxideThis will make the dog vomit the chocolate if it hasn't already passed through his systemIf so.make sure he drinks lots of waterIf he ate too much, go to the vetThere are websites that tell you how much chocolate is okay for your dog depending on size and type of chocolateJust google it Good luck.
If you can't really tell that he ate any, chances are he didn't eat enough to make him sickJust keep an eye on him, watch for throwing up, etcor him just not acting like himselfChances are he'll be fine, just make sure in the future he's not around any chocolate, etcMy dog (not a good comparison, as my dog is MUCH larger then yours, lol) sneaks mm's all the timeI would guess that your dog will be fineMake sure he gets pleanty of water in his system tonight, and just keep an eye on him for a whileLike I said, chances are, he'll be just fineIf you feel you have any real reason for concern, call your local vetThey can give you advice, etcand the phone call is freeGood luck to the both of you! And, for the poster that said that it's NOT toxicYou REALLY need to do some researchChocolate can be VERY toxic to a dogIt can make them HORRIBLY sick, and, if they injest enough, it CAN kill themI'm not sure who told you that chocolate isn't toxic to dogs, but it can be horribly toxic to dogs, ask any vet, and they'll tell you pretty much the same thing.