Can we put concentrated hydrochloric acid in an Empty fire extinguisher . why .please?
Gravity is the distortion of space time by mass. Here's how it works. Picture a large rubber sheet. Put a bowling ball in the middle of the sheet. The sheet is space-time, which is normally flat. Drop a mass into it, and you get a distortion (the bowling ball causes a depression in the sheet), or gravity - the distortion collects other mass and affects light (because 'straight lines' are not really straight. There would still be gravity in the universe even if there was only one mass - because that mass would distory space-time, causing gravity. The universe is nothing more than a VERY, VERY large rubber sheet, with all of the masses in it causing those dimples. The larger the mass, the deeper the dimple - black holes cause the deepest ones, where nothing can escape.
Did it break or it just needs replacement? If it broke, sell it. If its just time and you have had no other problems replace it and keep the car. I had a 1999 A4 with over 160K. Timing belt is the only major repair I had paid for.
Hi. What it is and what it does are two different things. What it is is also not precisely known. One view is that its force bends the space around it, causing anything that passes through that space to be deflected, even though it continues in a straight line like a photon. Another view is that particles are exchanged between massive objects and this causes the attraction (but without explaining the space curvature). The 'single thing' question is the 'tree falling in the forest' type of question. I guess that answer is Who cares. The current expansion of the visible universe is possibly the left over momentum from the explosion (or whatever) 13-14 billion years ago.