When using your Flinn as a guide describe THREE precautions that should be taken during this laboratory exercise.
I just helped a friend jump-start his car this evening, and my parents think I just ruined their car. I was jump-starting a '93 Benz from my '09 Altima, not a Hummer H1, and I had my lights, radio and all other accessories off, and I know that I hooked up the cables right.The worst I can think would happen is the battery dies maybe a few hours to days earlier than it would have normally, but at the cost of helping a friend that seems to be a reasonable cost. PSo, am I wrong? I don't want to jump-start anymore cars if I am doing permanent damage to my engine. O_oThanks for all answers!
Sounds as though there is a blockage in the hose itself. Something may have been sucked up like a paperclip which lodged itself sideways and caused a build up. Find something stiff which will fit in the hose and force it through do dislodge the buildup.Had a buildup in the hose to a Kenmore Canister vac which I pulled out with collapsed clothes hanger since it was near the entry to the vac.