Have very cheap lino in my kitchen. Am thinking of putting tile down myself.
Putting Tile Over Linoleum
It'd be better to remove the linoleum, because in order to lay a flat tile floor, you need to put down this stuff called Hardi- backer board, (or any similar product). It comes in big square peices, and is your base layer. Without this layer your tiles would eventually sag, dip, and crack. You'd also have grout problems- sealing, cracking, and curing. You can by the Hardi- backer board at Home Depot or any other similar store. Ask the folks who work there for tips on putting tile down.
It is not good because the linoleum is a soft surface and this would cause the tiles to crack. It is better to remove the linoleum. Even if you have to lay the tile over glue residue or some paper backing that remains after trying to remove the linoleum this is better than laying the tile over the soft linoleum.