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Car tires usually last a few years

Car tires usually last a few years


So it's hard to give specific data on how many kilometers a tyre will last and how long it will take. Gentle driving style, proper tire maintenance can also extend the service life of tires.
In addition, routine maintenance, such as four wheel positioning, atmospheric pressure, regular inspection, will also have a significant impact on tire service life.
Reference change data for tires is 3 years or 4-5W kilometers.There are many factors that affect tyre mileage, such as road condition and driving style.
In general, the following five conditions need to change:1, tire wear to wear limit mark must be stopped using (ie tread tread depth is less than 1.6 mm).2, tire aging.3, tread deformation or bead damage of the tire, lack of gas, causing the tire side of the tire was crushed, corrosion by chemical tires may not continue to use.4, drum wrapped tires shall not continue to use.5, other damage, if the use of tire safety, may not continue to use.

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