two plumbers been boiler working.They don,t know what is wrong. I have drained rads one by one but still no joy.
Sounds like they need the air bleeding out If you have a key that fits onto that small square at the top, start at the furthest rad from the boiler and move in. Hold a jug or similar beneath the square, open slowly and let the water run into the jug until it runs without spitting. (air coming out) Keep a bit of rag handy to mop up any spillage and Bob's yer uncle
OK You are saying the boiler is working and the circulation pump has pressure. You need to take a register out and see if it is plugged and replace the bleeder and thermostat. If steam gets there and the register is working it is the return line that's the problem. You would think a plumber would know if the water is returning or there is just make up being used?