A. Your clothes catch on fireB. You get a chemical or particle in your eye.C. You cut yourself with a scalpel or piece of broken glass.D. You spill a chemical on yourself.
some really funny ones therelol..here is an old one dont forget to pull my night gown down when your finished
To get to the moon in a safety way, we had to strap ourselves firmly into our seats and close our eyes. and when we had removed our safety straps and taken off our shoes.
It might, depending on what kind of lights are there, some run hot. There are lots of other ways to save on the electric bill. For instance you don't need that ceiling fan running all the time, and you probably don't need it running during the night. Everything in your home should be unplugged from the wall when not in use. Stop using your dishwasher. Take your clothes to the laundromat instead of washing and drying your clothes at home. Don't let your computer sit idle, instead unplug it. You'd need insulation around your windows and outside doors. You probably would need insulated draperies. Don't use the oven. Use the burners and microwave instead. If you have AC then make sure the fitlers are changed every 4-6 months (the thick filters with cardboard plug up and make the AC not work well), Also make sure the outside filter and pipes are cleaned yearly as well as freon added yearly. If you use fans then they appear to me to be less expensive than using the AC. If you live in an apartment then everyone there should be running their fan or AC during the day so as to keep the building at a reasonable temperature. And all should not be using the oven since that heats up the apartment and makes it hard to cool. You could bathe in medium temperature water instead of hot water.
i will prefer keeping my mouth shut