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do air force Airfield Operations Officer preform ATC(air traffic control) duties?

1. Do airfield operation officer preform ATC duties?2. What other duties entail the job of these guys?3. How hard is it to become an airfield operations officer, tech school, and how many people try 2 apply for it during AFROTC?4. Do these guys earn any special extra pay?5. Is it an exciting job?


Airfield Operations
1. Not directly, although they are trained ATC's and are certified. Their primary job is to supervise the enlisted ATC's and run the airfield. 2. besides the control tower, they supervise the approach control radars, radar final control, are in charge of base operations and the facilities used in the above. And they are responsible for training all controllers, radar operators and making sure they are mission capable. 3. No clue 4, No they do not get extra pay 5. probably not, just how exciting can sitting in a control tower be ? You have to remember, no matter what the job. Officers lead, enlisted do.
the only Air rigidity those that are ever in any threat are the pilots, and that they are in basic terms 2% of the Air rigidity. Air site visitors Controllers basically take a seat in a tower on the backside each and every of the time. the only threat he'd be in is that if a airplane crashes into the construction.
1. Some do go through training to get certified, but no, they do not actually perform the job. Most don't ever bother to finish training. They spend very little time around ATC, and certainly don't supervise anyone. As an A1C, i trained two different Lieutenants and a Captain. They weren't qualified to supervise the pre-duty brief. 2. A staff job, flight commander in the Operational Support Squadron (Intel, Weather, Airfield Ops, ATC). Lots of admin, briefings, coordination, etc. They know nothing about ATC, train no one, supervise no one! 3. It's not the kind of job kids want to grow up to be, you know? 4. Not positive, but i doubt it, when not deployed. 5. No. It's a step on the Officer ladder for the move from 1st Lt./Captain further up.

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