Do anybody know where or who to go to send like some water and clothes and all that stuff to the people in Haiti??
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Better idea would be for you to contribute cash to charity and relief organizations that are providing for the needs of the HaitiansFor example, several of our local businesses are accepting donations which are put into a fundThese funds are then distributed where neededThis is much more efficiantFor example, it costs money to ship cases of water across the continent to those agencies that can, then, carry the supplies into HaitiBetter use of the money can be made by purchasing the water from a source local to where the supplies will be flown to HaitiYOU may read about and want to send supplies you hear about in the news, but what may be needed TOMORROW may be something elseTomorrow they may have a more urgent need for gas and other fuels to run the trucks carrying supplies, and the bulldozers and cranes to rebuild roads, hospitals and people's homesThey may need wood, concrete, pennicillin, bandages, sewing machines or whateverDo some research and find out what kind of charitable organizations in your area are trusted recievers of relief moneyIt could be a local business, bank, church or other agencyMaximize your efforts by organizing your own fund collection so that you can turn in even more helpful funds to help in Hatian relief.
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