I was a little careless filling my antifreeze (not 50/50) this morning. It was 17 degrees, and I rushed. Some spilled on the engine that I wasn't able to wipe up with a towel. Couldn't reach it. Driving to work, I distinctly smelled antifreeze, and now am scared my engine's going to catch fire. Is this a valid concern? If it is, do I need to hose down my engine, or what steps should I take? I saw warnings not to drink the stuff, but nothing about flammability on the jug.Thank you!
I think a few people might be interested in free-leasing a mini. My dad and I were just talking about it the other day, actually. We have a pony that lives in an almost 2-acre pasture in our backyard. We love him, but I think he would love company. Our neighbor's horses are too agressive and they're about 17 hands compared to his 13. Also our pony has shared pastures with giant racehorses prior to when we got him. We think a mini might be a good idea for a pasture mate. I'm sure there are some people with a situation like ours that would love to free-lease a mini. I would recommend having an off-site lease as an option. Just be careful- there are lots of complications with leasing. Make sure you have a contract that includes who pays for emergencies, and have recommendations from other people about their horse-caring ability. Also visit their house before, and if possible, during the mini's time at their house. Advertise on craigslist, or other websites, and also through word of mouth. Good luck!! :)
yes, wait until college (unless that's where you are);; what he's asking you to do is to pay attention in class, do your homework, work your brain to intermix the 2or simply 'making sense' out of what you are learning both in class in books so that you can expand your thought pattern based on the specs (or basics of the course);; a good course that represents this is anatomy phys;; way too much info for class that you need to learn the basics, then required to apply these in reality (work the brain to make it fit into what you need to apply it for)hope this makes sense, but every teacher has their style, every 'boss' has their 'wish'ya gotta figure out what they want deliver itgood luck, it's confusing, but listening to what he's teaching what he wants will give you MORE insight than to how he acts..it's business, not personalremember thathe's the teacher, it's up to you to be taught, not spoon-fedagain, good luck, just get the grade move onyou'll figure out what he wanted from you later in life