I have never had any interest in cars until recently when diesel engines have started to feel like important and valuable power sources moving forward.
They've always been popular in Europe as they have ridiculous fuel taxation. And diesels have traditionally gotten better fuel economy. But these days with direct injected turbo gas engines becoming more prevalent the diesel's fuel economy edge is diminishing. Case in point, the BMW 335i and the BMW 335d. The gas engine gets almost the same mileage as the diesel as you can see here fueleconomy /feg/Find.do?a same deal with the MB 350 as you can see here fueleconomy /feg/Find.do?a Diesels are still quite important for cargo transportation, industrial use, and agriculture, as they have always been. But no offense, but if you're just now finding out about diesel cars, then you've missed the boat by a few decades, diesel cars have been around for a long time.