where I could download a free duplex-printing software? And also, I have a HP 672C Deskjet printer that a lot of times when I'm printing something with multiple pages- instead of just taking one page at a time, has a tendency to take TWO pages at-a-time when printing. Is there any way to prevent this by adjusting something? If there is- what is the proper setting?
The basic requirements are for a suit that covers the body (neck to ankles to wrists) and is made of an approved fire resistent material (nomex, kynol, firewear, kevlar, etc). If suits are less than 3 layers then underwear and socks must also be made of a fireproof material (which is really hot and uncomfortable). All garments should have the appropriate FIA certification and date patch. Any racing supply will have, or be able to order suits. Custom fitted suits are usually available for the higher end offerings (though logos can be added other ways that do not require a custom made suit).
I agree that Karen should not give out her information to that poster. She has an alarm and an alarm company. The only reason she posted here was to try to fix it herself. Her alarm company would answer her questions for free as well, and like someone else said, she will have to contact them anyway since she is a new resident. He is making this way too complicated and spending way too much time trying to justify himself. It's not logical, and when something seems like it doesn't make sense, there's usually an ulterior motive involved. Good luck Karen; use your own resources not anonymous posters.