In town, this morning, I saw a large advertisement for a Samsung Galaxy Note 7!
It depends on how big the fire is when you throw it into the fire. If it is big enough the fire extinguisher would explode. You may want to see a doctor. He/She should be able to help you with your red nose. I had one, it looked like a ball on the end of my nose and they were able to fix it. Oh, the miracles of modern medicine!
I heard from a friend that the Pledge pet hair remover thing really works. Good luck.
OMG - and I had just gotten over the nightmares about having a Tonette perm put in my hair. You know the ones where your pretty, soft hair instantly turns into a fuzzball? Who gave moms a right to buy these and administer them to their daughters? But later I also remember the pink curlers that leave the marks on your hair. And sleeping in them at night. Yikes! All that just to have creases in your hair you didn't want. Then, the foam curlers. Ahhh. Much better. But what I loved was in high school when Scotch came out with the tape for the curls on the side of your face. I loved that stuff. Thanks for the memories - some good, some not so good! PS: FL GIRL: I had forgotten about Spoolies. Thoses little plastic things that flipped over themselves. I loved them!