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Electric water heater water - 1. hot water sometimes hot and sometimes cold

Electric water heater water - 1. hot water hot water pressure 2. most of the time, sometimes hot and sometimes cold is extremely small, basically no what spray angle, sometimes very awesome


2, the water pressure is unstable, sometimes small, sometimes big.Answer: the water pressure of the water heater depends greatly on the pressure of the tap waterWhen the water supply is normal and the water pressure is large, the outlet pressure of the hot water is constant;When the tap water is low, the water output of hot water is reduced, and the spraying strength of the sprinkler is also reduced.
Running water to a certain extent, that is, hot water heater can not work, it will stop.Fourth, tap water pressure is 0 (close the cold water faucet, no water, etc.), the water heater can not start, can not produce hot water.
1, sometimes hot and sometimes cold hot waterAnswer: temperature control valve problems, such problems are common in the instant hot water heater, in the heat storage water heater rarely encountered.The pressure instability caused by tap water pressure: determines the mixing valve into the hot and cold water ratio, pressure instability will cause sometimes hot and sometimes cold.

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