
Element: Copper?

I need to write a paragraph on copper, what are some good things to write? Dont just give me the link to wikipedia, that doesnt help me. The first person to like actually answer my question will get 10 pionts, so why not just try?


Write about some of its' common uses. Obviously in electrical wires, since it is a good conductor of electricity. As a component in the alloy brass (copper and zinc) and in the alloy bronze (copper and tin). It is great (if you can afford it) as gutters and roofs. You often see it on church roofs and some public building such as the Statue of Liberty. It is often used mixed in some metals for rings (jewelery), thus the green finger. It makes a great poison in lakes, ponds, aquariums, and the such, since algae and some other aquatic plants are killed by it. Finally, it looks cool in fireworks (green colors). Get an A.
Name: copper Symbol: Cu Atomic number: 29 Atomic weight: 63.546 (3) r CAS Registry ID: 7440-50-8 Group number: 11 Group name: Coinage metal Period number: 4 Block: d-block Description Here is a brief description of copper. Standard state: solid at 298 K Colour: copper, metallic Classification: Metallic Availability: copper is available in many forms including bars, foil, sheet, granules, plates, powder, shot, turnings, wire, insulated wire, mesh, evaporation slugs, and rods.

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