the first four ionization energies of aluminium are as follows: Ei1 577 kJ mol -1, Ei3 2745 kJ mol-1, and Ei4 11578 kJ mol-1(i) explain the trend in ionization energies(ii) which ion of aluminium has the largest electron affinity?
Do what all the other Indian people do, move to Bradford.
I doubt if there is a law saying he can't leave his light onIt's on his property and he is paying for the electricityPut some decent curtains up over your window.
Once you have removed the first electron you are left with a positive ionTrying to remove a negative electron from a positive ion is going to be more difficult than removing it from an atomRemoving an electron from a 2+ or 3+ (etc) ion is going to be progressively more difficultthe one with the highest ionization energy has the highest electron affinity.