Describe in detail your procedure for the following scenario. You must complete fully to receive credit.* You and a friend have just finished some yard work. Your friend goes inside to clean up. While still outside, you hear the sound of a chainsaw nearby. You remember a neighbor saying that he was going to remove a large dead tree in his yard. You decide to go over and see what is going on. Before you get far, you hear the sound of cracking wood, then you suddenly hear the saw stop, followed immediately by screams. You rush to your neighbor’s yard. You see your neighbor sitting on the ground. Blood is pouring from a large deep arterial laceration just above the knee. Your neighbor is screaming and appears panic stricken. He is not making any effort to control the bleeding. You are alone with him. How do you help? List your steps in sequence.
Yes, it will fire in a vacuum. Modern day firearms have oxygen already inside the bullet. Therefore, the bullet will ignite in a oxygen-less environment and it will propel the bullet forward like any regular gun. It will actually be more powerful because it won't have resistances that are present when there isn't a vacuum. Although, if you are firing a gun in space you will have to hold on to something because the opposing force will send you flying in the other direction.
Did you put batteries in all the alarms? If one alarm goes off, it sends a signal to the others so they all go off. The signal is a high frequency signal transmitted on the 120volt lines. If they all have new batteries one alarm may be defective and try disconnecting one at a time to see which one is bad.