With bearings in the wheel, wouldnt a live axel just spin and not move the wheels? Do you know of any specific websites where they sell wheels with a 5/8 or 3/4 bore in them. Also, if the bore is too big in the wheel for the axle size, is there any part to make them fit besides bearings?
4 wheel drive is for driving on something hard to get more power so u dont get stuck.
4 wheel drive just gives you more control over a vehicle. it doesnt make it faster.
With Bearings after all you never know about what surface or terrain you are going over until its too late due to which Speed you will or are travellingling at.
i think of being 9 months pregnant it does not be an exceedingly sensible concept for me to objective a cart wheel. in spite of if, my toddler truthfully seems to have the means to do cart wheels in my abdomen!
A live axle normally refers to the rear axle, which is machined from a solid piece of steel. On each end should be a key way that will locate the hub and then the wheels are bolted to the hub the same way automotive wheels are. No bearings are involved.