I am making a movie for school and i need to hang things from our ceiling to the ground. The problem is is that the ceiling is an acoustic tile and i‘m not sure if it will hold enough. (This is one of the older acoustic tiles with all of the holes in them.
If it's a suspended ceiling you're talking about, with the tiles held in metal framing, you can buy special little hooks that clip on to the metal framework. You should be able to get them at Home Depot, and probably office supply stores. You can also simply use a piece of thin wire and tie that around the metal frame, squashing it in a little so the tile sits flush again. If whatever you're hanging is too heavy for that metal framework, you have to take out a tile and find something higher in the ceiling that's sturdier. The ceilings are usually suspended from pretty strong wire. Find where that wire or other support is and you know where the strong point of the suspended part is. If it's acoustic tiles over a solid surface, you have to find a structural part inside the ceiling. A stud finder will come in handy for that but unfortunately you'll have to make a hole in the tiled surface to hang anything.
Been there, done that... Can't happen. What you can do, however, is go to the hardware store and buy new ones OR if replacing them is out of the question, get a can of KILZ paint primer. It is the best stain blocker on the planet. Once you cover it with Kilz, it WILL still show through the Kilz, itself, but once you have one or two coats of regular pain over it, you will never see the blood again.