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happy new year everyonewhich shampo should I use?

My hairs loosing, Whenever I take shower and touch my hairs, many of stick with my hands, I really care about it, I am Only 22, I don't wanna have bulb head in this ageSo somone plz recommend any shampo?Also My hairs like 6 inch long and culy, So I use hair straightener everyday.( i know it damages my hairs)So Is there anything for Heat Protection ?


Pure acetone cannot corrode aluminum or other metalsHowever, technical grades of acetone could possibly have acidic, or basic impurities impurities that might attach aluminum Al is attacked for instance by HCl to form AlCl3, but NaOH also attacks it to form NaAlO2 Both reactions produce hydorgen.
No, acetone will not dissolve metalsIt's a very thin liquid, and aluminum foil develops pinholes easily so it might leak out if you crease the metal (and of course acetone evaporates very fast)Typically, things that would be considered solvents will not dissolve metals, while strong acids will damage metal surfaces and containers.
you should use a ceramic iron because it isn't as damaging as a thermal oneAnd CHI Iron Guard 44 is a good heat protection spray and it smells good tooMain 'n Tail might help, and maybe some biotin pills could help

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