Our internal energy has become contaminated by evils like greed, hate, and lust. The external reality is a reflection of our internal mind state. The fact that the water and air are polluted, shows that ours minds are polluted. Each of us are like spiders building a web, the more and more people who live out of these evil, the more it will be reflective in the external world. We cannot keep killing and destroying for the ILLUSION of material gain much longer. Our true nature is spirit, not material.this is quite obvious when you clear your mind of all the material pollution.
We Look at Molly's answer for this question at the above website. And there are other excellent suggestions on that message board as well. Hope this helps, Troublesniffer Owned by cats for over 40 years
My doctor told me that I could do whatever didn't cause me pain during my pregnancy. So I still do lifting, snowshoveling, major cleaning, etc and I'm due in 8 days. Do whatever you are comfortable with. I do suggest wearing a dust mask because breathing is hard enough carrying a baby around. Stay away from bleach or ammonia cleaners unless you have a VOC filter mask which you can buy at home improvement stores for about $40. They cover your nose and mouth and have a filter on either side of your face to filter out harmful odours and chemicals. These masks also come in handy if there is evidence of mouse poop. If there is mice make sure to wear gloves, mask, and wash hands thouroughly after you are done because their poop is toxic to us. Hope this helps, I have just recently stopped cleaning my brothers house 2 weeks ago, so it's up to you what you are comfortable doing!
There is sensors you can get that are not triggered by the pets movements..
The motion sensor in most alarms is optional and can be deactivated. If you turn that feature off, you still have the protection given by the doors and window sensors. Alternatively, you can usually manipulate the motion sensor (again, depending on the system) so that it only sees things x-feet high off the ground, for example 4 feet and up. But if your cat hops on furniture or the backs of chairs this may not be an option for you. Or, contain the cat in a non-sensor room by closing the door, or the basement.
If you could look at the universe from the outside you would see a sphere about 6 billion light years in radius. It is expanding at the speed of light but the leading edge goes out of existence before it exceeds a radius of 6 billion light years. Following this expansion is matter accelerating away from a center.and clumping into galaxies. Galaxies are an end stage in the evolution of the universe with a life span of about 6 billion years. We are about two thirds of the way towards the outer edge of the milky way and it took us about 4.5 billion years to get here. A galaxy doesn't change much over it's lifespan it just gets smaller,ours at this time is about 100,000 light years in diameter,in 1.5 billion years the galaxy will be a mass of neutron density matter about 500,000 miles in diameter and at the end of it's life. Galaxies that follow us will take the same course and people like us that will observe us will still see our galaxy after it has gone out of existence, The information required to estimate the actual age of the universe is lost after 6 billion years but it will likely go on after we are gone just as those other galaxies we see in our deep space photos do not exist today.