Can YOUHOOS at Yahoos give me an idea where I can find a sheetof heavy clear/ or even transparent plastic to put over my window thatnot like this cheap garbage I used from Frost King at home depot.. The last stuff came from a roll and was heavy duty and I don't need a roll of it, I'm just drawing a blank here. And this boxed up stuff sold in cheap discount stores really is garbage 1 mil junk.. Oh, and yes, this is their outdoor stuff , not the shrink indoor kit.... The window is about 4 ft x 6 ft..... 1950 era.....(hence the need for plastic ). I've got a few smaller as well... Thank You hoos....
I am not sure why everyone is saying things like plastic and duct tape! I am sure that would not make for a beautiful awakening and definitely not much of an eye candy from inside or out! Like Carol Q was saying, you can purchase caulking, that is all good. However, you can also purchase rolls of window and door insulation strips. Works great! You can also purchase a spray bottle of foam insulation for your outlets or any cracks that you feel a draft coming from. If your windows are really outdated, you may have to go with plastic OR invest in one window at a time (if ya need) for better/thicker windows. Insulation above your room and around you room in the walls is also very important if you really want the freezing (lol) to end. Good Luck and stay warm!! ( keep your robe, hairdryer, and or electric blanket in bed at all times. lol jk.)
This Site Might Help You. RE: Heavy clear plastic to cover window? Can YOUHOOS at Yahoos give me an idea where I can find a sheet of heavy clear/ or even transparent plastic to put over my window that not like this cheap garbage I used from Frost King at home depot.. The last stuff came from a roll and was heavy duty and I don't need a roll of it, ...
Clear Plastic For Windows
Try Ace Hardware. They use to sell clear heavy vinyl plastic on a roll that they would cut to the amount you need. Hope this helps.