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Help me preform astral projection!!!!!!!!?

Please Help anything will help


It's funny how the above answer says God has a gender. Anyways, only you can preform an astral projection for yourself. Nobody else here can help you with that. Do some research and learn!
ok, let me get the baseball bat
My advise would be to stop messing with things you know nothing about. I was told by someone that tried it that she left her body and could not get back. She thought she was going to die. She cried out to God and asked Him to save her. He did and she has never tried it again. Here is something for you to think about...what if you left your body and an unclean spirit decided to claim it and you could not get back...what are you going to do then?
Don't listen to people who say astral projection is a sin against God's will. These people deeply misunderstand astral projection ( God) don't even realize they have unconscious projections themselves every night. Anyway u can try the following experiment... At night as u go to bed set the alarm clock to go off in a few hours. Give urself some positive affirmations as u dose off, 'I will have an OBE tonight' etc. Go to sleep, turn the alarm off after it wakes u up. U should still be very tired. Lay back down immediately. Go into a deep meditative state (U can use binaural beats to make this easier). With every breath feel like ur physical body is sinking down into the bed. Then try to lose ur awareness of ur physical body everything around u. Feel urself going deeper feel urself becoming lighter. Let ur body naturally go back to sleep while trying to maintain conscious awareness. Then visualize ur astral body rising up towards the ceiling. Feel like u r floating are as light as a feather. Try to see urself from the point of view of ur astral body looking back down on ur physical body in as much detail as u can. Don't concentrate too hard, trying to force it. Just let it happen naturally. Ur body has to be very close to sleep when u attempt this. That is why this can be effective doing it in the middle of the night after a few hours sleep while ur still really tired. I also recommend reading Soul Flight: Astral projection the magical universe by Donald Tyson. It's a good read. Good luck to ya.
You pretty much have to go to a new level of complete relaxation. Don't have any distractions. At some point during that you'll feel these weird little vibrations. Some people think that's when you're trying to disconnect. You have to will yourself up. Just think about going up and out of your body. Don't let the fear of anything get in the way or you'll ruin it. I've never tried it to the point of actually projecting, but I've read up on it. It seems like it'd be cool, but I have to many questions about it. I mean, don't you think that it would be possible for something else to claim your body while you're out of it?.. Anyway, good luck. Let me know if it worked.

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